Items that are rarely used can be stowed away but shouldn’t be too difficult to access when the time comes. Avoid two step storage systems that don’t add function or increase use of space for everyday items (i.e. The ease at which your home functions and meets your needs is a major factor in ‘keeping the peace.’ Items used daily should be easily accessible and just as easily put away. When you enter your home, do you experience peace or chaos? Satisfaction or frustration? Is there a place for everything and everything in its place? The coordination and organization of your home is a very important part of its function and keeping you content. While coordination and organization is probably the most important factor that will affect the healthiness of your home, color is extremely important as well! The two biggest factors that are bound to affect a person’s mental health in their home are coordination and color. However, the minute details in a person’s home, are what is going to make it functional for the individual and affect mental health the most. That said, for the most part, building codes and general rules cover the physical needs of most individuals.
Another great example is added security for those who would like to feel safer in or leaving their homes.

For example: someone in a wheelchair may want open space underneath their countertops and wider doorways. Some individuals will have slightly different physical needs than others. Is the room easily navigable? Is it well lit? Clean? Safe? These are checklist items we have to determine whether a space is livable in general. When we think of physical needs in a home we want to think of very basic necessities - things you’d look for in a hotel room, perhaps. One of the most basic needs we have as humans are physical needs. And while the overall health of your home is going to be judged mostly on its physical appearance, by visitors especially, the minor details in the way your home functions can play a major role in your mental health. What comes to mind when we think of a ‘healthy’ space? Of course, there are different kinds of health to consider – i.e.